Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Senior Year cont...

International Studies was not a class Ashling was particularly excited about, but it was required. When she finally reached the top of the second flight of stairs, Ashling double checked her numbers. The classroom was much too small for a required class. She pulled open the door to the dark, empty room and threw her backpack on the first available desk. Ashling placed her bright orange earphones back into her ears in order to drown out any excess noise. She had not quite adapted to the early morning start times. She slowly closed her eyes and rested her head on the cold, hard surface of the desk. It took a light tap on the shoulder to bring Ashling back to reality. She must have lost track of the time. When she looked up, Ashling found the classroom rapidly filling to its capacity and her roommate dropping books on the desk adjacent to her.

"What are the odds?" Anna pulled a notebook from her handbag. The door to the classroom slammed opened and their professor quickly appeared through the entryway. After he carefully placed his computer onto the small desk at the front of the room, the professor hung his backpack on the back of his chair and gently hopped up next to his laptop.

Professor Alvarado was young for a college professor. Yet, his reputation was no mystery for Ashling. Rumors of the exotic adventures and amazing discoveries of worldly cultures by the new addition to their university faculty floated continuously through the student body grapevine making it impossible for anyone on campus to remain oblivious to the workings of the famous professor Alvarado. Some said that Professor Alvarado had just returned from from a year long expedition in Australia. Others claimed it was a secluded rainforest. The only thing that everyone seemed to agree upon was his retirement from his dangerous expeditions in order to reveal important wisdom to a younger generation. All these remarkable accomplishments just made Alvarado's youth that much more surprising.

The appearance of their new professor was also astonishing. He looked as though he had just walked out of the graduation office yesterday. Instead of sporting the typical university dress attire of black pants and a formal shirt, Alvarado wore an old fadded concert t-shirt along with wholy jeans. His class contents safely rested in the worn green backpack that hung on the corner of a desk chair instead of a professional briefcase, and the stubble on his face suggested that Alvarado had not shaven in a couple of days. This professor was definitely a change from what Ashling had become accostomed to during her years at the university.

"Welcome to International Studies," the professor began, "I'm professor Alvarado. By now, you all should be familiar with the university bylaws. So, let's skip the formalities. You all can pick up the information packets on your way out."

Professor Alvarado placed a stack of papers on the other side of his laptop.

"So, International Studies. As you are all now aware, the large lecture has been broken up into small groups this semester, five small groups to be exact. It's a little experiment we are going to try. Make yourselves comfortable. Over the next four months, you all will become very familiar with each other. Each group represents a country," Alvarado grabbed another stack of papers from his backpack and jumped from the table.

"Your country is the United Kingdom. You each have your own place and purpose to the success of your country, and you will need each other to succeed in this class. This paper will tell you your position and everything it entails. Know it well, and keep it safe. you will need it throughout the entire semester," Alvarado read the paper that sat on top of the pile, "Anna, Ashling, come get your papers."

Ashling looked down at the paper that had been placed in her hands.

"Prime Minister?" she read to herself.

"Pub owner," Anna waved her paper. When the last occupation had been distributed, the professor once again took his place on top of the front desk.

"Your assignment for next class is to know your position backwards and forwards. Alright, enjoy your weekend, but don't have too much fun," he teased.