Saturday, September 26, 2009

Treaties and Compromise Cont...

"You can talk to animals?" Ashling followed Anna off the beaten path and onto one of the trails leading through the outskirts of campus.

"Yeah," Anna knew these trails well. This was one of the reasons she had picked this particular university. It was the only institution that contained both a beautiful campus and her chose major.

"Prove it," her roommate demanded. The girls walked deep into their surroundings until campus appeared very small. Anna knew they would not be bothered here.

"Should I be concerned that you're leading me blindly into the unknown?" Ashling questioned.

"From what I've seen, you're whole life is the unknown," Anna remarked.

"Fair enough," Ashling continued to follow.

Anna suddenly stopped and looked up to locate the Frisbee she had located just the day before between the branches of a very large oak tree.

"Looks like someone was playing ultimate," Anna nudged her roommate and began to walk off the trail and into the surrounding trees.

"What are you doing?" Ashling called after her.

"Just wait there," Anna ordered. She walked slowly towards a squirrel contently nibbling one of the many acorns that covered campus grounds.

"Excuse me," Anna spoke directly at the squirrel which cocked its head in her direction in response, "My friend lost her Frisbee in that tree up there. Would you mind helping us get it down?"

The squirrel surried off leaving the acorn in its place and ran straight up the tree. Anna followed him to the other side of the trail. The squirrel gave the Frisbee a little push with its head until it came loose and tumbled through the branches finally hitting the ground. Anna bent down to pick it up and headed back towards the pile of acorns. The squirrel had already beaten her to the spot.

"Thank you," Anna once again spoke directly at the squirrel, "If there is anything I can do to repay you..."

Anna was cut off by a high pitched squeaky sound.

"Of course," Anna threw the Frisbee to Ashling, picked up a pile of acorns, and headed further out of sight into the trees.

"Thanks again," Anna called when she finally returned to her roommate's side, "Well?"

"Nice," Ashling smiled.